
boutique sustainable films

We create films for cinema, broadcast and web with the emphasis on nature.

We innovate and educate in sustainable production techniques.

We care about preservation of species and the world that we leave for the future generations.

We advocate healthy stressless workflows based on cooperation and initiative.

Our vision is in becoming a strong regional voice in non-fiction film production.

Kalnų paslaptis / Secret of the mountains

6 x 30' | EN / LT | In production

The series takes you on an audiovisual journey through land and sound - scapes of unique mountainous regions in Europe and beyond.

Watch the trailer:

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The password is: Privati_perziura

Migrating Cranes

1 x 45' | EN / LT | In production

Follow the seasonal migration of the common European crane, once an endangered species now displaying healthy numbers all across the continent.

Four seasons | Metų laikai

4 x 30' | EN / LT | In production

In the North of Europe the nature reinvents itself four times throughout the year. After the cold and snow covered winter the life starts all over again in a timeless circle.

Northern Islands

8 x 30' | EN | Pitching

Discovering the beauty and uniqueness of the islands in the baltic sea region.

Arrio pėdomis / In the footsteps of Arris

1 x 90' | LT / EN | Pitching

A re-enactment documentary that follows the 1903 Konstantinas Arris entomological expedition into central asia and Alai mountain range.

Pavasaris jau jau

1 x 20" | LT 

It's may and springtime finally comes to the Lithuanian countryside leaving behind the last frost and reviving the nature throughout. You can watch the film on youtube.